about us

Sharing Experience and Enthusiasm for the World’s Greatest Hobby!

The North Central Florida Model Railroad Club, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation functioning as a professional educational hobby Club. It operates exclusively as a tax-exempt corporation within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code. We’ve organized to:

Construct and operate scale model railroad equipment, layouts, modules and exhibits;

Train and educate Club members and the public in the skills involved in scale model railroading;

Promote general fellowship and personal contact among and between all scale model railroaders and members of the Club;

Provide a forum and/or sponsor technical clinics for the further education of the Club members, the public, and organized youth groups;

Exchange ideas and techniques in connection with the hobby of scale model railroading as well as the preservation of Florida’s railroading heritage;

Participate in public venues, train shows, swap-meets and joint modeling meets with other Clubs by displaying and operating Club modules separately and in conjunction with other Clubs; and,

Assist Club members and other railroad modelers to build, maintain, operate, upgrade and modify their home layouts and/or model railroad equipment.

The Hobby: a Quarterly topic

Take a Trip Around the World…In N-Scale!

A layout featuring memories, memorabilia, and
time travel.

African wildlife, Egyptian pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, and glaciers in Antarctica are just a few of the scenes you will experience traveling along a most interesting N-scale layout created by Don Peters.

Every model train layout has a story behind its creation and this one is no exception. However, this layout’s story is quite unique and very meaningful to the Peters’ family. It all started many years ago….

Don and his wife, both retired university professors, had business and teaching opportunities in many countries around the world. This allowed them to travel, live and explore various regions of different continents. Each journey was a new adventure which would later play a role in the construction of a model railroad … a railroad that would take them back in time.

While living abroad, they enjoyed exploring the culture, traditions, points of interest that each location offered. As a keepsake, they would buy miniature artifacts that best represented each area they visited. In addition, they often traveled by train to explore and enjoy the many sights of each region.

Small buildings, street scenes, and landscaping were just some of the items they bought. Other items included animals, rural houses, and people.

These N-Scale trains take you on a world tour as they move from scene to scene. The detail presented is quite unique because the items were gathered from each location visited by Don and his wife. The artifacts displayed are not likely to be found on any other layout! As in most well detailed model railroads, the more you look…the more you see. 

Trains wind their way around and through European cities and rural landscapes. They journey by African villages and Egyptian pyramids on their way to other lands. Trains travel by day and by night, thanks to adjustable overhead lighting. The scene can be changed from a bright desert day to a pleasant summer evening. The rails route two trains in opposite directions to different locations. This provides for lots of train activity – day and night!

The layout’s backdrop is also unique. Colorful artwork is displayed from around the world. Some of the art dates to a time early in their marriage while other pieces were gathered later during many travels. It provides a mixture of fun and welcoming to both family and visitors alike. 

Another interesting aspect of Don’s layout is its portability and display variety. The track, buildings, and landscaping are set flat on wooden doors, latched together at the sides, and supported by saw horses painted black. Each scene can be placed in new location every time the layout is set up! 

The layout is displayed during the Holiday season and enjoyed by family and friends. It is often operated with the overhead lights dimmed to watch the lighted passenger cars travel through each scene in the early evening. Occasionally, the Peters’ have trains running quietly while enjoying dinner at their nearby table.

The track design consists of dual track mainline in an oval with figure-8 inner configuration which crosses ‘under’ the Eiffel Tower! The tracks carry two N-scale passenger trains usually traveling in opposite directions.

The drama of trains passing under the tower’s base is enhanced by the lighted cars suddenly appearing from behind city buildings. Again, dim overhead lighting sets the mood.

One layout destination is very cool…literally. At one end, the trains travel past an arctic scene! 

During one of their trips, they decided to visit Antarctica! They were able to see and enjoy the sea life and quite unique landscapes. While visiting a local gift shop, a miniature arctic scene was noticed and purchased. It shows a whale, seals, penguins, ocean waves and a glacier in the background. 

While you can’t reach Antarctica by rail in reality, you can reach it by train on this layout!

Overall, Don Peters has created a very interesting N-Scale model railroad. It is a fine example of combining memorabilia with model trains for all to enjoy. Just observing the layout with trains moving from scene to scene is fun. But, once you know the ‘story’ of this layout, it makes you want to know more about the ‘story’ of each artifact…and there are many stories to be shared. 

Well done, Don!

Take A Tour!

Welcome to the North Central Florida Model Railroad Club. 

We’re glad you stopped by for a virtual visit!

Pictured above is the eastern side of our main HO layout. It features towns and industries around our home base of Alachua, Florida. During a recent open house, one visitor exclaimed “Hey, I recognize that little building! I know exactly where it’s located!” Such is the case for many structures on our layout as they were modeled from photos of original buildings and track side settings. A large train yard can be seen on the right. It plays an important role in our latest club activity—Prototypical Railroad Operations. 

Members are learning how to build trains in the yard according car manifests.  They then move those trains to various towns and industries according to Dispatcher schedules.

Trains moving around the main layout travel through small towns and rural scenes as they head toward their destinations. Look closely, you will discover incredible details of everyday life as the trains pass by.

A dual track main line keeps freight and passenger trains moving at speed to maintain their schedules. Engineers must be vigilant when approaching the many operating signals. These signals will change from green to red quickly if a turnout is thrown against oncoming traffic.

As a step back in time, passengers may ‘take the trolley’ if they wish. Both old fashion and newer interurban trolleys are available for boarding in three different locations. A dedicated trolley layout is being completed which will feature 1950’s trolleys using overhead electrical wires for power. Just like the old days!

Thanks to a generous donation from Mr. T.D. Clark, next is a very nicely built and highly detailed HO layout. Flip one toggle switch and the entire layout comes to life with numerous lights illuminating buildings, signs, and streets. Seeing is believing!

Take a mountain journey and experience an HO logging operation in action. Operated by computer, 10 trains run simultaneously through tunnels, across bridges and over trestles to deliver their logs to the saw mill. Peek through windows and see hidden trains!

Watch the computer screen control all train traffic to avoid collisions! Trains run continuously on random schedules so that different trains travel to different places – just like a real railroad!

 Members work together to accomplish various tasks which range from track cleaning to scenery applications. We offer individual and family memberships. We gladly share our collective knowledge to assist new members in reaching their model railroading goals. Shown above is a new family member applying scenery.

From turntables to towers to trolleys, there is a lot to experience when visiting our club. Check it out!

Thanks for taking this brief layout tour of the North Central Florida Model Railroad Club. We invite you to visit us on Sundays from 12:30 to 3p.m. when we are open to the public. All ages and experience levels are welcome! Directions to the Club are listed on this website. 

Drop by and say “Hi!”

Note: We are located on the 2 nd floor which is accessible by external stairs only – no handicap access is available. Youngsters under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Traveling Trains Project

“We Bring The Trains To You!”

The North Central Florida Model Railroad Club (NCFMRC) is announcing a new program to bring operating model trains to your organization, school, or group event in Gainesville and Alachua County! This program features a computer-controlled model train layout that functions just like a real railroad! The presentation includes a PowerPoint examination of today’s model railroad hobby, live model train demonstrations, a ‘Yard Switching’ puzzle, and NCFMRC Club information.

The Traveling Train Layout project was developed to promote the model railroad hobby and introduce our club by bringing model trains to interested schools, organizations, and groups in our community. 

Designed, built, and donated by Joseph Ward, the ‘Traveling Layout’ features small (N-Scale) trains, full landscaping, and highly detailed scenes. Various skills such as basic woodworking, electrical wiring, soldering, gluing, and painting were used in its construction.

A computer runs all trains automatically according to schedules. Various train signals are located along the tracks and illuminate with red, yellow, and green lights. As in ‘full-size’ railroads, these signals control train traffic to provide for safe operations. Diesel locomotive sounds can be heard as trains navigate around the tracks. 

As shown above, the computer displays a user-friendly screen to operate all trains. Choosing any colored buttons will cause trains to move around the layout. You can also push one button … and ‘Run’em All!’

Trains can also be operated via cell phones! Using a variety of phone apps, wireless control can be established to operate trains either manually or via computer! The train software screen and all its features can be displayed on a phone. It’s like magic!

We offer a selection of presentations for various age groups and interests. Examples are: ‘STEM’ (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math — for Middle or High School students), ‘How To Build Your Own Model Railroad’ (12+ years), ‘Technology Of Today’s Model Railroads,’ (16+ years), ‘Railroading Merit Badge’ (Scout Groups), ‘Having Fun With Today’s Model Railroads’ (all ages). 

For any group, organization, middle school, or high school wishing to have the Traveling Train Layout visit their facility or upcoming event, please enter a request in the ‘message’ section of ‘Contacts.’  There is no charge for this program. (*)

To learn more about model railroading, watch trains run on our many layouts, or just ‘talk trains,’ check our website for club times and directions.  All are welcome! 

*NCFMRC is a non-profit 501c3 organization. Tax deductible donations are accepted. 


The model railroading hobby has been experiencing a renaissance over the past few years, and for good reason. Unlike the virtual worlds of video gaming, model railroading is a “hands on” hobby that teaches a variety of disciplines to enthusiasts. From geometry to carpentry, basic electrical and electronics skills, to model building and crafting, painting and airbrushing, and now even programming skills, there’s so MUCH to be learned and enjoyed by most everyone in the family. 

While many of us continue to enjoy the nostalgia and appreciate the challenges of model railroading’s early days, it’s now possible to model a real railroad – in a real town – with incredible realism… or just let your imagination run wild and create your own vision! 

Don’t think you have room for your own layout? Come learn how much can be done on an 18″ x 96″ shelf layout. Or, learn about modular layouts you can easily disassemble and store. Love trains but don’t want to build a layout? No problem. You can bring your (HO) trains and run them on our many layouts during our weekly Operating Sessions. Don’t have trains but love them, or just want to learn more before you commit to a purchase? Come run our trains! 

Conditions permitting, our business meetings are scheduled for the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 am. Come join us and see how we can help you start in – and get the most out of – The World’s Greatest Hobby!

Click below to find the membership form. Please complete and email to [email protected].

The NCFMRC in the community

Planned Events

Educating the Community and Enriching Members’ Experience

55+ Community Presentation

Our ‘Traveling Trains’ layout will be making stops at local 55+ communities to have ‘Fun With Model Trains.’

Scout Troop Visits

‘Open House for Scouts’ are planned to introduce local Scout Groups to model railroading.  Run trains and have fun!

Rail Fan Trips

Rail Fan trips to Cordell, GA. and other ‘Hot Spots’ are part of our future plans. There’s nothing like ‘The Real Thing!’


Upcoming Events in Our Area

North Central Florida and the surrounding areas are a great place to be for model railroading. Check back often to see where you can travel to meet model railroad enthusiasts and learn more about …. “The World’s Greatest Hobby!”

2025 - Florida: 

January 11 & 12th - Deland

January 25 - Brooksville

February 1, 2 - Villages

February 8 - Jacksonville

February 22 - New Port Richey

March 22 - Pinellas Park

April 12 - Chrystal River

May 17 - Brooksville

September 13 - Brooksville

contact information

Fill out our contact form for more information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

13201 Rachael Blvd.,
Suite SW-12
Alachua, FL 32615
